Welcome to Aseiduwaa Foundation

Empowering women and children through community-focused programs.

Who we are

Our Mission

Providing education, advocacy, and support for maternal and child health initiatives in Africa.


Immerse yourself in a visual journey that echoes the tales of transformation, and shared triumphs that defines our mission.


Discover the heartbeat of Aseiduwaa foundation. We are committed to making a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve.


Meet the faces behind the commitment, the hands that build bridges of support, and the hearts that beat in unison for a cause.


From supporting educational initiatives to providing essential healthcare, your contribution fuels change.

Our Story

What We Do

At Aseiduwaa Foundation, we dedicate our investments to initiatives fostering the economic progress, leadership, and well-being of women and girls in the Greater Bono area. Whether through financial support for impactful projects or by channeling energy and resources to connect our grantee partners with entities that can enhance their success, we are committed to making a meaningful difference. Additionally, we actively identify gaps in programming for women and girls, developing solutions to address and close these gaps.

What we've been up to

Latest News & Events

Championing the cause for change in our society

Become a volunteer

Join our volunteer initiative

Embark on a transformative journey with Aseiduwaa foundation by becoming a part of the heartbeat of change – our Volunteer Initiative. Here, we extend an open invitation to individuals passionate about making a positive impact, empowering you to be the change you want to see in the world.

Meet the team

Our Team

Founder of Aseiduawaa Foundation
Founder – Aseiduwaa Foundation

Our success stories

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Our Partners