About Us

Who we are

Aseiduwaa Foundation of Bono Region Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to establishing, financing, and expediting impactful economic and leadership initiative. our mission is to empower women and girls in the Bono Region, fostering financial independence and leadership success. Aseiduwaa aims to emerge as the key force for investing in the development of women and girls in Bono, actively cultivating a dynamic network of female leaders in both nonprofit and business sectors.

The Aseiduwaa Foundation provides impactful grants to nonprofits dedicated to economically empowering women and girls in the Bono Region. These grants focus on supporting new programs or expanding existing ones to reach new groups, bringing about transformative effects for both the recipient nonprofits and their beneficiaries. Typically ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 annually, these grants extend for one to five years. In 2020, grant awards included funds allocated specifically for COVID-19 relief. As of December 31, 2021, Aseiduwaa has committed almost $5,000 to eighteen nonprofits dedicated to serving women and girls in the Bono Region.

The Aseiduwaa Foundation collaborates with programs like Doctors in Business and the Foundation, with a focus on uniting women leaders from local nonprofits. This collaboration encourages the sharing of best practices, strategies, and resources, promoting leadership and mentorship. Furthermore, the foundation manages the Young Women’s Leadership Program, a year-long initiative dedicated to nurturing the professional development of the next generation of nonprofit women leaders in Bono.

What We Do

We prioritize projects with quantifiable results that significantly enhance the economic success and independence of women and girls in Bono.

We actively invest in initiatives that broaden and bolster educational, financial, and leadership opportunities.


Empowering women and children through community-focused programs.


Empowering women and children through community-focused programs.


Providing education, advocacy, and support for maternal and child health initiatives in Africa.


Providing education, advocacy, and support for maternal and child health initiatives in Africa.


Empowering women and children through community-focused programs.


Empowering women and children through community-focused programs.